Cambodia has arrived in MMI


As of September 21, 2022, 67 countries have been guests of the MMI website. The last guest came from Cambodia, a country in Southeast Asia whose ethnic music is similar to Indonesian ethnic music.

Cambodia is bordered by Thailand to the west, Laos to the north, Vietnam to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the south. The Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake traverse the country.
Menjelang kemerdekaannya, Republik Indonesia banyak membantu negara Kamboja ini. Buku-buku taktik perang karangan perwira militer Indonesia banyak digunakan oleh militer Kamboja. Kamboja memperoleh kemerdekaan dari Prancis pada tahun 1963.

There is only one LP album from Cambodia which is part of our collection. The title is A Musical Anthology Of The Orient which is a UNESCO Collection with 12 track lists. The PH was donated by Sofiane Bilal, a friend of MMI who lives in Paris, France. We once met with Bilal in the basement of Blok M Square, Jakarta. Quite a few rare LPs he sent for MMI. Thank you Bilal for adding to the diversity of the museum's collection.


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